Tuesday 4 January 2022

THE OUTPOST - Movie Review


Based on Real Life Extraordinary Events that Happened in Afghanistan Near its Border with Pakistan based on Jake Tapper Book " The Outpost an un-Told Story "

American Soldiers in an Out Post Next to Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan Right Next to Afghanistan , 

The Fight at Outpost the Farthest Near Pakistan , Fighting Talibans coming Across the Durrand Line Separating Afghanistan from Pakistan and Leading to True story of un-Believable Events. 

Country : USA 

Made: 2020

Rod Lurie  ...(Director)
Jake Tapper , Paul Tamasy , Eric Johnson...(screenplay)
Jake Tapper Book " The Outpost an un-Told Story " ..(story )

Cast :

Orlando Bloom, Scott Eastwood, Caleb Landry Jones. 

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