Tuesday 4 January 2022

12 STRONG - Movie Review


Based on Real Life Extraordinary Events that Happened. 

Based on Doug Stanton Book "Horse Soldiers " 

12 Strong tells the Story of the First 12 Men as USA Special Forces Team that Landed in Afghanistan after 9/11 , under Leadership of a New Captain, the Team must Work with Afghan Warlord Rasheed Dostum of Hazaras  to Take Down Taliban from Power in Afghanistan in the Graveyard of Empires . 

Country : USA 

Made: 2018

Nicolai Figulsig ................................................  ...(Director)
Peter Craig , Ted Tally ,  Doug Stanton .....................(Story )
Based on Doug Stanton Book "Horse Soldiers " 

Cast :

Chris Hemsworth , Micheal Shannon  , Micheal Pena. 



Based on Real Life Extraordinary Events that Happened. to Real Life Reporter Kim Barker. 

The Events of USA Going to Afghanistan to Fight War on Terror and why they were there , No One understand ths to this day and if you Want to Really understand it , this is Must Watch Movie 

Kim Barker is Journalist sent to Afghanistan to Make Stories and she does it , and then is Faced with Bizzare Events in Afghanistan and Pakistan and she has Written a Book About it known as " Taliban Shuffle , Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan . 

Although this Movie is About her days in Afghanistan and not Pakistan This Makes this Book utterly Fantastic & Must Read but the Movie is Great too. 

The Movie Title Based in WTF , as Whisky Tango Foxtrot is accurately Describing the Reality as the What the Fu.....k Mataphor.  

KIM Barker is the Reporter who is Famous for Ex- PM Pakistan Mian Nawaz Sharif flirting with her & offering an Iphone and Proposal for Marriage and she was one Exposing Ajmal Kasab Terrorists' Links with Pakistan via Mian Nawaz Sharif. 

Country : USA 

Made: 2016

Glenn Ficarra................................................  ...(Director)
Jake Tapper , Paul Tamasy , Eric Johnson...(screenplay)
Robert Carlock , Kim Barker ..............................................(story )
Based on Kim Barker  Book "Taliban Shuffle , Strange Days in Afghanistan & Pakistan" 

Cast :

Margot Robbie , Tina Fey , Martin Freeman. 

THE OUTPOST - Movie Review


Based on Real Life Extraordinary Events that Happened in Afghanistan Near its Border with Pakistan based on Jake Tapper Book " The Outpost an un-Told Story "

American Soldiers in an Out Post Next to Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan Right Next to Afghanistan , 

The Fight at Outpost the Farthest Near Pakistan , Fighting Talibans coming Across the Durrand Line Separating Afghanistan from Pakistan and Leading to True story of un-Believable Events. 

Country : USA 

Made: 2020

Rod Lurie  ...(Director)
Jake Tapper , Paul Tamasy , Eric Johnson...(screenplay)
Jake Tapper Book " The Outpost an un-Told Story " ..(story )

Cast :

Orlando Bloom, Scott Eastwood, Caleb Landry Jones. 

Sunday 2 January 2022

DONT LOOK UP - Movie Review


Based on Real Life Events that Have Yet Happened Yet. but can. 

Astronomers Discover a Comet Heading towards Earth that can Lead to Total Destruction of Planet Earth and its Civilization . NASA is Informed and there is a Department that Factually Deals with Such Threats . 

NASA call these 2 Astronomers to White House to Meet the President of United States of America , But the White House and its President who is Female Takes all of this as it Takes Usually and Media is also treating the Astronomers as Some One Non -Serious as Typical Working of American Government and it Machinery as It Dealt in real Life about Covid and also the Wars in Around the World  

The Greedy Multi National Corporations that Rule USA , and it Role in Decision Making of White House and How it Survives the Armageddon due to Extinction level Event. 

The Movie is Heart Moving as It looks as if it Based on Facts , but it is Fictional Movie and It Depicts the reality of World as Currently as it is and What can Really Happen as the World as it will End . 

How we as Human Take the Reality and How we Decide about the World and its Environment and such Threats to Humanity  

Country : USA 

Made: 2021

Adam McKay ...(Director)
Adam McKay ...(screenplay)
David Sirota ...(story )

Cast :
Leonardo di Cipro , Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep , Cate Blanchett ,  Jonah Hill, Ron Perlman , Ariana Grande , Timothee Chalamet, Rob Morgan , Paul Guilfoyle & Hamesh Patel